Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Sunrise: The Doctor

    Fictional character of the week: The Doctor--just The Doctor

The Eleventh (Matt Smith) and Tenth Doctor(David Tennant)

  Where he's found: Doctor Who (BBC Show) 
  Why I love him: Well, I love The Doctor because he's hilarious, caring, and--even though he's a Time Lord (alien)--he has human tendencies. I think I like him because he's relatable, but also because he takes everyone on super awesome, mind-blowing adventures! Like seriously, he knows what's up. He has a diverse group of companions, his trusty sonic screwdriver, he regenerates when he starts dying, and have I mentioned the TARDIS(Time And Relative Dimension In Space)? The TARDIS is his time machine, it looks like a Police call box, and it's bigger on the inside!

The TARDIS traveling through Time and Space
  Other notes: My mom described Doctor Who as "Very British", and she's very right. It's so "out there", that if you lack an imagination, or dislike sci-fi, it might not be for you. I think that there are two kinds of people on this planet. There's people who enjoy Doctor Who, and there's people who hate Doctor Who. Personally, I love it, but that doesn't mean you have to love it too. :-) 


  1. Ahh I love Doctor Who as well! It's a fantastic show :)

    1. Ah!!! A fellow Whovian!
      I know, I adore it! :)
