Thursday, August 28, 2014

I Feel Different

     I know, we're all supposed to be different people with different ambitions, thoughts, ideas, and everything, but sometimes I feel so different that it's almost as if I'm not even a person at all. 
     I've always been an independent person. Not just generally, but with my thoughts as well. I like being independent. I like being me. I like it a lot, but the worst part is everyone isn't independent. 
     It seems like everybody's dependent on something or someone. Lately, I've seen people dependent on cultures, society, unreliable people, the ideas of their parents, the pressure of their's kind of sick. We depend on all of these things and people, but we don't stop for a moment and think that maybe, just maybe, we're letting the most unimportant and shallow things run our lives. It's just heartbreaking.
      The worst part is that we do it without even realizing it. We sit here and we depend on things that shouldn't matter.
       The most obviously example is girls who are literally perfect, but they sit there and they diet, and they exercise, and they essentially are killing themselves. It's sick. They sit there and they rely on what society says. I think it's important to stay healthy, but you don't stay healthy by starving yourself. How can something so simple be so freaking hard to get across to people?
       I think that the key to real individualism is being independent. I feel like I'm an outsider looking in because everyone around me seems to be so ridiculously dependent on something or someone. We're all our own people, we can be who we want, and we can make our own decisions. It's like the question my mom recently posed,"How many rebellious teens are really just independent? Think about it."
     If we should depend on anyone, let us depend on God. 

     It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. --Psalm 118:8


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. She's really I suppose most moms are?
